I am so happy because it’s strawberry season in my country and I am enjoying ripe, tasty and healthy strawberries. I prepared a delicious and healthy raw-vegan ice cream as follows.
For the recipe I used:
- 4 ripe bananas,
- 1 and 1/2 cup of ripe strawberries,
- 1 tablespoon of medjool date paste.
Cut the bananas in thicker slices and put them in the freezer overnight in 2 casseroles (in each put 2 sliced bananas). Also, put in the freezer 1 cup of strawberries cut in half, separate from bananas.
To prepare the date paste, hydrate 1 cup of seedless medjool dates for 6 hours. Blend them, adding some water left from hydration, but only if it’s necessary, if the blender or food processor requires it, or if you want it more like a date syrup. With a high-performance blender it is not necessary to add extra liquid.
Keep in mind that frozen bananas are hard to blend and not every blender can process them. Now I use my high-performance blender with no problem, but in the past I broke a 1000W much less performant blender trying to blend frozen sliced bananas for a raw-vegan ice cream. So not every blender is capable of making this recipe.
After freezing the fruits, process 2 sliced bananas in blender or food processor until a well-formed cream is resulted. Pour the banana cream into a casserole.
For strawberry ice cream, blend the frozen strawberries with the other 2 sliced bananas. The strawberry-banana cream is poured into a casserole. Store both casseroles in the freezer for several hours until hardened.
For strawberry topping, blend 1/2 cup of strawberries (not frozen) and 1 tablespoon of date paste/syrup. Using an ice cream scoop, take a few cups from each ice cream and pour strawberry topping on top.